Pada umumnya kegunaan sertifikat JLPT ini bisa digunakan sebagai persyaratan beasiswa study ke Jepang dan untuk bekerja ke jepang
Level N5
Level N4
「Manfaat」Ujian Kemampuan Bahasa
「Ciri」Ujian Kemampuan Bahasa
Pendaftaran online JLPT dinyatakan selesai jika langkah 1, 2, dan 3 sudah diselesaikan. Pendaftaran dinyatakan tidak berhasil jika tidak menyelesaikan semua langkah 1, 2, dan 3 seperti di atas.
Apabila semua langkah pendaftaran di atas sudah dilakukan dengan lengkap, selanjutnya :
Brief Explanation of JLPT (Japanese Language Proficiency Test) such as TOEFL or IELTS, only this is a test to measure fluency in Japanese. In Indonesian, this test is known as the UKBJ (Japanese Language Competency Test) and in Japanese itself is called 日本語 能力 試 験 'nihongo nouryoku shiken'.
The Japanese Language Proficiency Test (abbreviated JLPT) is a Japanese language ability certification test as a general rule for people who use Japanese but not native speakers of the highest level N1 and up to the lowest level of N5. Exams are held in 65 countries including Japan, exams are held twice a year, beginning in July and early December (except in a few places). The Japanese Language Proficiency Examination is attended by around 600,000 people each year, as a Japanese language test for people who use Japanese but not native speakers, and become the test of the most participants.
This exam is arranged by the Japan Foundation, and is held twice a year: in July and December.
This exam is divided into 5 levels (from the easiest level N5 to the hardest level N1):
N5 level
- Able to master / read 100 kanji
- Able to master 800 words
- Able to understand standard sentences if written in hiragana or simple kanji.
Level N4
- Able to master / read 300 kanji
- Able to master around 1500 vocabulary
- Able to understand everyday conversations if spoken slowly and can read simple material
Level N3
- Able to master / read 650 kanji
- Able to master 3750 vocabulary words
- Able to understand Japanese articles written in easy kanji and can follow Japanese conversations at normal speed.
Level N2
- Able to master / read 1000 kanji
- Able to master 6000 vocabulary
- Able to understand articles with general topics and understand conversations and news at normal speed
Level N1
- Able to master / read 2000 kanji
- Able to master 10000 vocabulary
- Able to understand various kinds of conversations in certain situations and can understand differences in nuances in a sentence pattern if using a particular vocabulary.
The difference with TOEFL & IELTS, JLPT does not have a speaking / interview section. All exam questions in the form of multiple choice.
「Benefits」 Japanese Language Proficiency Test
The Japanese Language Proficiency Examination is a national examination and examination standard in immigration, this has been adopted in various examinations as a reference to determine Japanese language skills. One of them is special treatment from Japanese immigration. Inside 「Special immigration treatment with a point system for advanced human resources」, if you have a JLPT N1, you can receive special treatment such as obtaining 15 points from the 70 required points. In addition, for doctors who have permission or certification abroad, people who have graduated from overseas nurse training schools, for national doctor examinations in Japan, JLPT N1 certification has become a requirement, Nurses from Vietnam who come to Japan ・ For prospective workers care Based on Japan Vietnam EPA (Economic Partnership Agreement), JLPT N3 certification and above have become a necessity.
「Characteristics」 Japanese Language Proficiency Test
Japanese Language Proficiency Test, not only understands how much about grammar jepang Japanese vocabulary, but also has the power to use it properly bahasa language knowledge (characters ・ vocabulary ・ grammar) 」、「 reading (reading comprehension) 」、「 pending ( listening comprehension) 」and testing as a whole to measure the three components. Furthermore, the test is provided in 5 levels from N1-N5, depending on the ability of students, as much as possible to be able to find out students' abilities in detail. And so as not to come out unfair results during the exam period, the system uses the "scale value" equalization method that has been adopted with accurate results.
In general, the usefulness of this JLPT certificate can be used as a requirement for a scholarship to study in Japan Monbukagakusho (MEXT), entry requirements for universities in Japan use personal fees and as a condition for applying for employment in Japanese companies.
JLPT online registration in Indonesia can be done through:
The steps to registering JLPT online are:
Step 1: correctly fill in all information on the requested examinee data. If the data has been filled in all then check again, then click Confirm
Step 2: immediately pay the exam fees to the requested bank account number
Step 3: then upload the payment slip and the latest photo. In the payment slip, the name, date of birth, and JLPT test level are written first (Step 3 must be done no later than 48 hours after doing step 1. Otherwise the registration process will be canceled automatically by the system)
How to do step 3, upload proof of transfer / payment slip and upload passport photo:
1. Select Update Profile / Upload Payment Slip on the My Page page
2. Drag scroll down until you find the Upload Photo & Payment Receipt option. Then, upload Payment Receipt, please write down the Participant Name, Participant's Birth Date and Exam Level
3. Finally click Save Change
JLPT online registration is declared complete if steps 1, 2 and 3 have been completed. Registration is declared unsuccessful if it does not complete all steps 1, 2 and 3 as above.
If all the steps listed above have been done completely, then:
- The exam committee in the city where you register for the exam will provide confirmation of registration.
- Location and test level cannot be changed after registration is complete
- Exam fees that have been paid are non-refundable
- Location & time of the exam notified through the examining committee site in each region
- Next you will get an exam number and card that can be viewed online
- The test card must be printed in color by the examinee, and taken when the JLPT exam on the day of the exam and must carry a photo ID card, such as: KTP, SIM, or Passport
- Please note that if you do not carry a test card and photo ID card, you will not be allowed to take the JLPT exam.
Check JLPT exam results online:
To check the JLPT exam results can be accessed via: The results of the July test will be released around September, and the December test results will be released around March.
To check the results of the JLPT exam, an exam number and password are needed when registering online JLPT. Then keep the JLPT exam card well. If you forget the exam number and password consisting of 8-digit numbers, you cannot check JLPT exam results online.
Penjelasan Singkat JLPT(Japanese Language Proficiency Test) seperti TOEFL atau IELTS, hanya saja ini merupakan
ujian untuk mengukur kelancaran berbahasa Jepang. Dalam Bahasa Indonesia, ujian
ini dikenal dengan istilah UKBJ (Uji Kompetensi Bahasa Jepang) dan dalam
Bahasa Jepang sendiri disebut dengan 日本語能力試験'nihongo nouryoku shiken'.
Kemampuan Bahasa Jepang (disingkat JLPT) adalah, tes sertifikasi kemampuan
bahasa jepang sebagai aturan umum untuk orang yang menggunakan bahasa jepang
tetapi bukan penutur asli dari tingkat tertinggi N1 dan sampai tingkat terendah
N5. Ujian diadakan di 65 negara termasuk Jepang, ujian diadakan dua kali
setahun yaitu awal Juli dan awal Desember (terkecuali di beberapa tempat).
Ujian Kemampuan Bahasa Jepang, setiap tahunnya diikuti sekitar 600.000 orang,
sebagai ujian bahasa jepang untuk orang yang menggunakan bahasa jepang tetapi
bukan penutur asli, dan menjadi ujian yang paling banyak pesertanya.
ini diatur oleh Japan Foundation, dan diadakan 2 kali dalam setahun: di bulan
Juli dan Desember.
Ujian ini dibagi menjadi 5 tingkatan (dari
tingkat paling mudah N5 hingga tingkat paling susah N1):
Level N5
- Mampu menguasai/membaca 100 kanji
- Mampu menguasai 800 kosakata
- Mampu memahami kalimat standar jika
ditulis dengan hiragana atau kanji sederhana.
Level N4
- Mampu menguasai/membaca 300 kanji
- Mampu menguasai sekitar 1500 kosakata
- Mampu memahami percakapan sehari-hari
jika diucapkan lambat serta dapat membaca materi sederhana
Level N3
- Mampu menguasai/membaca 650 kanji
- Mampu menguasai 3750 kosakata
- Mampu memahami artikel Bahasa Jepang
yang ditulis dengan kanji yang mudah serta dapat mengikuti pembicaraan Orang
Jepang dengan kecepatan normal.
Level N2
- Mampu menguasai/membaca 1000 kanji
- Mampu menguasai 6000 kosakata
- Mampu memahami artikel dengan topik umum
serta mengerti percakapan dan berita dengan kecepatan normal
Level N1
- Mampu menguasai/membaca 2000 kanji
- Mampu menguasai 10000 kosakata
- Mampu memahami berbagai macam percakapan
dalam situasi tertentu serta dapat memahami perbedaan nuansa dalam suatu pola
kalimat jika menggunakan kosakata tertentu.
Bedanya dengan TOEFL & IELTS, JLPT
tidak memiliki bagian speaking/wawancara. Semua soal ujian dalam bentuk
pilihan ganda.
「Manfaat」Ujian Kemampuan Bahasa
UjianKemampuan Bahasa Jepang adalah ujian nasional dan standar pemeriksaan di
imigrasi, ini telah diadopsi dalam berbagai ujian sebagai referensi untuk
menentukan kemampuan bahasa Jepang. Salah satunya adalah perlakuan khusus dari
imigrasi Jepang. Di dalam 「Perlakuan
khusus imigrasi dengan sistem poin untuk sumber daya manusia yang maju」, jika mempunyai JLPT N1,
dapat menerima perlakuan khusus seperti memperoleh 15 poin dari 70 poin yang
diperlukan. Selain itu, bagi dokter yang memiliki izin atau sertifikasi di luar
negeri, orang yang telah lulus dari sekolah pelatihan perawat luar negeri,
untuk ujian nasional dokter di Jepang, sertifikasi JLPT N1 telah menjadi
syarat, Perawat dari Vietnam yang datang ke Jepang ・Untuk calon pekerja perawatan
Berdasarkan Jepang Vietnam EPA (Economic Partnership Agreement), sertifikasi
JLPT N3 keatas telah menjadi sebuah kebutuhan.
「Ciri」Ujian Kemampuan Bahasa
Kemampuan Bahasa Jepang, tidak hanya mengerti berapa banyak tentang tata bahasa
・kosakata bahasa jepang, tetapi
juga memiliki kekuatan untuk menggunakan dengan sebenarnya 「pengetahuan bahasa (karakter ・kosakata ・tata bahasa)」 、「bacaan (pemahaman membaca)」、「pendengaran (pemahaman mendengar)」dan menguji secara keseluruhan
untuk mengukur tiga komponen tersebut. Selanjutnya, ujian disediakan dalam 5
tingkat dari N1-N5, tergantung pada kemampuan siswa, sebisa mungkin agar dapat
mengetahui kemampuan siswa secara detail. Dan agar tidak keluar hasil yang
tidak adil di masa ujian, sistem menggunakan metode pemerataan "nilai
berskala" yang telah diadopsi dengan hasil yang akurat.
Pada umumnya kegunaan sertifikat JLPT ini bisa digunakan sebagai
persyaratan beasiswa study ke Jepang Monbukagakusho (MEXT), persyaratan masuk universitas di Jepang menggunakan biaya
pribadi serta sebagai syarat untuk melamar kerja di perusahaan Jepang.
Persada/Universitas Darma Persada
F: +62(21)869-00241
JLPT Administration Commitee
in Bandung
JLPT Administration Commitee in
JLPT Administration Commitee in
JLPT Administration Commitee in
JLPT Administration
Commitee in Padang
Universitas Udayana
Panitia Pelaksana Ujian
Kemampuan Bahasa Jepang, Manado
JLPT Administration Commitee in
Catatan: Hanya Jakarta, Surabaya, Malang dan
Semarang yang mengadakan ujian 2 kali dalam setahun: Juli dan Desember. Lokasi
lainnya hanya mengadakan tes di bulan Desember.
Pendaftaran untuk tes JLPT yang diadakan
bulan Juli harus dilakukan sewaktu bulan Maret – April, dan untuk tes bulan
Desember harus mendaftar sewaktu Agustus – September. Untuk tanggal jelas
silahkan hubungi lokasi tes.
Biaya pendaftaran per tahun 2017 adalah sebagai
N1 Rp190.000,-
N2 Rp 160.000,-
N2 Rp 160.000,-
N3 Rp140.000,-
N4 Rp 120.000
N4 Rp 120.000
N5 Rp 110.000,-
Untuk informasi harga terbaru, silahkan
menghubungi tempat pendaftaran.
Tahun 2017 ini adalah tahun pertama dimana
peserta JLPT dapat mendaftar secara online. Disarankan untuk mendaftar seawal
mungkin, karena diberlakukan kuota untuk peserta ujian. Jika kuota telah penuh,
maka pendaftaran tidak akan diterima lagi.
Pendaftaran online JLPT di Indonesia dapat
dilakukan melalui :
Langkah-langkah melakukan pendaftaran online
JLPT adalah :
Langkah 1 : isi dengan benar semua informasi data peserta ujian yang
diminta. Jika data sudah diisi semua lalu periksa kembali, selanjutnya
klik Confirm
Langkah 2 : segera
bayarkan biaya ujian ke nomor rekening bank yang diminta
Langkah 3 : selanjutnya
upload slip pembayaran dan pasfoto terbaru. Pada slip pembayaran terlebih
dahulu ditulis nama, tanggal lahir, dan level ujian JLPT yang diambil (Langkah
3 harus dilakukan paling lambat dalam sampai 48 jam setelah melakukan langkah 1
. Jika tidak maka proses pendaftaran akan dibatalkan secara otomatis oleh
Cara melakukan langkah 3, upload bukti
transfer/payment slip dan upload pas photo :
1. Pilih Update Profile/Upload Payment Slip (tulisan
merah) pada halaman My Page
2. Tarik scroll ke bawah hingga menemukan pilihan Upload
Photo & Payment Receipt. Kemudian, upload Payment Receipt harap
menuliskan Nama Peserta, Tanggal Lahir Peserta dan Level Ujian
3. Terakhir klik Save Change
Pendaftaran online JLPT dinyatakan selesai jika langkah 1, 2, dan 3 sudah diselesaikan. Pendaftaran dinyatakan tidak berhasil jika tidak menyelesaikan semua langkah 1, 2, dan 3 seperti di atas.
Apabila semua langkah pendaftaran di atas sudah dilakukan dengan lengkap, selanjutnya :
- Panitia ujian di kota tempat mendaftar
ujian akan memberikan konfirmasi pendaftaran.
- Lokasi dan level ujian tidak dapat
diubah setelah pendaftaran selesai
- Biaya ujian yang sudah dibayarkan tidak
dapat dikembalikan
- Lokasi & waktu ujian diberitahukan
melaui situs Panitia ujian di masing-masing wilayah
- Selanjutnya akan mendapat nomor dan
kartu ujian yang bisa dilihat secara online
- Kartu ujian wajib di print warna oleh
Peserta ujian, dan dibawa ketika ujian JLPT pada hari ujian dan wajib
membawa kartu tanda pengenal berfoto, seperti : KTP, SIM, atau Paspor
- Harap diperhatikan apabila tidak membawa
kartu ujian dan kartu tanda pengenal berfoto, maka tidak diijinkan mengikuti
ujian JLPT.
hasil ujian JLPT secara online :
Untuk mengecek hasil ujian JLPT dapat
diakses melalui :
Hasil tes bulan Juli akan dikeluarkan sekitar bulan
September, dan hasil tes bulan Desember akan dikeluarkan sekitar bulan Maret.
mengecek hasil ujian JLPT ini, diperlukan nomor ujian beserta password yang
dibuat ketika pendaftaran online JLPT. Maka
simpanlah baik-baik kartu ujian JLPT tersebut. Jika lupa nomor ujian dan
password yang terdiri dari 8-digit angka, maka tidak bisa mengecek hasil ujian
JLPT secara online.
The Japanese Language Proficiency Test (abbreviated JLPT) is a Japanese language ability certification test as a general rule for people who use Japanese but not native speakers of the highest level N1 and up to the lowest level of N5. Exams are held in 65 countries including Japan, exams are held twice a year, beginning in July and early December (except in a few places). The Japanese Language Proficiency Examination is attended by around 600,000 people each year, as a Japanese language test for people who use Japanese but not native speakers, and become the test of the most participants.
This exam is arranged by the Japan Foundation, and is held twice a year: in July and December.
This exam is divided into 5 levels (from the easiest level N5 to the hardest level N1):
N5 level
- Able to master / read 100 kanji
- Able to master 800 words
- Able to understand standard sentences if written in hiragana or simple kanji.
Level N4
- Able to master / read 300 kanji
- Able to master around 1500 vocabulary
- Able to understand everyday conversations if spoken slowly and can read simple material
Level N3
- Able to master / read 650 kanji
- Able to master 3750 vocabulary words
- Able to understand Japanese articles written in easy kanji and can follow Japanese conversations at normal speed.
Level N2
- Able to master / read 1000 kanji
- Able to master 6000 vocabulary
- Able to understand articles with general topics and understand conversations and news at normal speed
Level N1
- Able to master / read 2000 kanji
- Able to master 10000 vocabulary
- Able to understand various kinds of conversations in certain situations and can understand differences in nuances in a sentence pattern if using a particular vocabulary.
The difference with TOEFL & IELTS, JLPT does not have a speaking / interview section. All exam questions in the form of multiple choice.
「Benefits」 Japanese Language Proficiency Test
The Japanese Language Proficiency Examination is a national examination and examination standard in immigration, this has been adopted in various examinations as a reference to determine Japanese language skills. One of them is special treatment from Japanese immigration. Inside 「Special immigration treatment with a point system for advanced human resources」, if you have a JLPT N1, you can receive special treatment such as obtaining 15 points from the 70 required points. In addition, for doctors who have permission or certification abroad, people who have graduated from overseas nurse training schools, for national doctor examinations in Japan, JLPT N1 certification has become a requirement, Nurses from Vietnam who come to Japan ・ For prospective workers care Based on Japan Vietnam EPA (Economic Partnership Agreement), JLPT N3 certification and above have become a necessity.
「Characteristics」 Japanese Language Proficiency Test
Japanese Language Proficiency Test, not only understands how much about grammar jepang Japanese vocabulary, but also has the power to use it properly bahasa language knowledge (characters ・ vocabulary ・ grammar) 」、「 reading (reading comprehension) 」、「 pending ( listening comprehension) 」and testing as a whole to measure the three components. Furthermore, the test is provided in 5 levels from N1-N5, depending on the ability of students, as much as possible to be able to find out students' abilities in detail. And so as not to come out unfair results during the exam period, the system uses the "scale value" equalization method that has been adopted with accurate results.
In general, the usefulness of this JLPT certificate can be used as a requirement for a scholarship to study in Japan Monbukagakusho (MEXT), entry requirements for universities in Japan use personal fees and as a condition for applying for employment in Japanese companies.
JLPT online registration in Indonesia can be done through:
The steps to registering JLPT online are:
Step 1: correctly fill in all information on the requested examinee data. If the data has been filled in all then check again, then click Confirm
Step 2: immediately pay the exam fees to the requested bank account number
Step 3: then upload the payment slip and the latest photo. In the payment slip, the name, date of birth, and JLPT test level are written first (Step 3 must be done no later than 48 hours after doing step 1. Otherwise the registration process will be canceled automatically by the system)
How to do step 3, upload proof of transfer / payment slip and upload passport photo:
1. Select Update Profile / Upload Payment Slip on the My Page page
2. Drag scroll down until you find the Upload Photo & Payment Receipt option. Then, upload Payment Receipt, please write down the Participant Name, Participant's Birth Date and Exam Level
3. Finally click Save Change
JLPT online registration is declared complete if steps 1, 2 and 3 have been completed. Registration is declared unsuccessful if it does not complete all steps 1, 2 and 3 as above.
If all the steps listed above have been done completely, then:
- The exam committee in the city where you register for the exam will provide confirmation of registration.
- Location and test level cannot be changed after registration is complete
- Exam fees that have been paid are non-refundable
- Location & time of the exam notified through the examining committee site in each region
- Next you will get an exam number and card that can be viewed online
- The test card must be printed in color by the examinee, and taken when the JLPT exam on the day of the exam and must carry a photo ID card, such as: KTP, SIM, or Passport
- Please note that if you do not carry a test card and photo ID card, you will not be allowed to take the JLPT exam.
Check JLPT exam results online:
To check the JLPT exam results can be accessed via: The results of the July test will be released around September, and the December test results will be released around March.
To check the results of the JLPT exam, an exam number and password are needed when registering online JLPT. Then keep the JLPT exam card well. If you forget the exam number and password consisting of 8-digit numbers, you cannot check JLPT exam results online.